RECAP: Kari Lake’s Back The Blue Rally

Chandler, AZ – On Friday, Kari Lake held a Back The Blue Rally featuring Congressman Burgess Owens, Comedian Rob Schneider, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, and Law Enforcement leaders from across Arizona.

Former Border Patrol Chaplin & Former Phoenix Law Enforcement Association President Mark Spencer kicked off the night with an invocation and candlelight ceremony to honor fallen officers.


Following the candlelight ceremony, President of the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police Paul Sheldon took the stage. “Here in Arizona, the Fraternal Order of Police represents 9,400 members. Those members all cast their votes and got them sent back to me, and I tallied them up, and it was with great pride that I PROUDLY endorse Mrs. Kari Lake to be our next United States Senator,” Sheldon said.

“Join the men and women of AZLEA and some of my other law enforcement colleagues. Please support Kari Lake. Something as simple as a checkmark on a piece of paper can and will make a difference,” said Executive Director of the Arizona Law Enforcement Association (AZLEA) Levi Bolton.

President of the Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Association & Vice President of AZCops Ben Leuschner discussed a survey sent to police officers he represents across Arizona saying, “That survey went out with a simple question. Who do you support for the U.S. Senate? Two names were on that checklist. 85% of officers, we had 800 respondents.” Leuschner continued, “It shows you who the rank and file really support, and that’s Kari Lake.”

“President Trump and I can only be so successful if we don’t have the Senate. It’s imperative that Kari Lake wins this seat,” said Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan. “Kari Lake loves Law Enforcement. Kari will have your six. Ruben Gallego will not.”

Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb highlighted the contrast between Lake and Gallego on law enforcement and public safety, saying, “We’ve got a candidate who understands who’s supported law enforcement. As long as I’ve known Kari Lake, she has supported law enforcement in this state and throughout the communities.” Lamb continued, “We have another Senate candidate, Ruben Gallego, who’s been the opposite. He’s actually promoted Defunding the Police.” (SEE GALLEGO’S ANTI-POLICE RECORD: HERE)

“At a time when democrats like my opponent are calling to defund the police, I am committed to fully funding our police and giving them the resources they need to do their jobs and keep our communities safe,” said Kari Lake. “My goal is to empower our law enforcement officials to protect and serve, and to help instill the fear of God into any criminal who even thinks of hurting us.”



Phoenix, AZ – On Monday, Newsweek reported that Radical Ruben Gallego violated the STOCK Act, which requires members of Congress to report stock trading within a 30 to 45 day period to prevent insider trading in Congress.

Gallego purchased shares of Aspiration Fund Adviser LLC in 2019 and later, in 2022, Gallego purchased shares of NameCoach. He failed to report both for years.

The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“The STOCK Act is designed to prevent insider trading and to bring greater transparency to Congress. Ruben Gallego’s failure to report trades for years demonstrates that he doesn’t have any respect for the law, transparency, or the People of Arizona. He’s just another corrupt D.C. politician trying to enrich themself. In the U.S. Senate, Kari Lake will be a leading voice in calls for transparency and the rule of law.”


NEW Kari Lake Op-Ed: Making Families Affordable Again

Phoenix, AZ – On Sunday, Kari Lake published a new op-ed titled “Making Families Affordable Again” in the Arizona Daily Star. Lake highlighted the pain that families are feeling under the Biden-Harris economy that Ruben Gallego has voted 100% of the time for, and the importance of Arizona’s next U.S. Senator passing meaningful legislation to help make raising a family easier.


Key Excerpts:

 As Americans grapple with Bidenflation, families with young children are being hit exceptionally hard. According to Child Care Aware, families in the U.S. spend an average of $11,000 on child care each year.


– Burdensome child-care costs also limit economic growth by often preventing young parents from seeking better employment or additional opportunities. Current support programs, including direct child-care subsidies, Head Start and Early Head Start are either insufficient, poorly managed and promoted, or both. 


– Ensuring a brighter future for our children means addressing these problems aggressively and creatively. 


– With the U.S. birth rate falling to dangerous lows, below the level needed to maintain our population, and many prospective parents citing the cost of raising a child, child care costs, and difficulty of providing a stay-at-home parent as reasons to delay or avoid having children, it is incumbent that the U.S. Congress and Senate take up meaningful legislation to make raising a family even just a little bit easier. As Arizona’s next senator, I will fight to make that happen.


– First, we need to increase the monthly child-care subsidy and associated tax credits to bring them more on par with other developed nations…an increase in direct, voucher-based subsidies for parents to choose childcare options that best serve them and their families would end up being a net revenue generator for the federal government, rather than a loss.


– We need to reform Head Start and Early Head Start to maximize the very significant investment in these programs — over $12.2 billion in federal funding alone for Fiscal Year 2024. In addition to federal funding, all Head Start and Early Head Start programs require some matching funds from state and local governments. An increase of funds for these programs could be considered, but not until existing deficiencies are addressed.


– Head Start funding should be allocated to providers based on the average daily attendance, not the inflated monthly totals, or — as is now the case — on the basis of allocated seats, which providers have a negative incentive to fill (as the only mother in my race, I can tell you what any parent would: A handful of kids are a lot easier to handle than a whole roomful). Changing the compensation basis to reflect actual attendance gives providers a clear incentive to advertise and promote their programs and fill all those empty spots taxpayers are currently funding.


– We need to make existing Head Start and Early Head Start programs more accessible geographically…Reducing individual program size and spreading them out over a larger geographic area, utilizing existing school infrastructure, would increase the uptake of these programs and maximize the value of current federal spending.


– Rules surrounding [Head Start and Early Head Start] programs should ensure that creative, smaller providers who can produce high-quality programs are not frozen out of an anti-competitive bid process. 


– Strong American families are the foundation of our future and the most important institutions in any society. It’s time for Washington to step up and protect them. As Arizona’s next Senator, I’m prepared to lead that charge.


Kari Lake Op-Ed: Making families affordable again

Lake Campaign Releases NEW AD: ‘Life and Death’

Phoenix, AZ – On Friday, the Lake campaign released a new ad titled “Life and Death.” The ad features Gustavo and Vanessa Ayala, two parents who tragically lost their 17-year-old son Noah to an overdose. Gustavo and Vanessa are registered Democrats who support Kari Lake because they know that she will make it her top priority to secure the border and stop tragedies like this from happening again.

The ad will air in Arizona starting on September 6 on cable, broadcast, and digital media, as the sixth phase of a $10 million joint ad buy with the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).WATCH: HERE

The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“Gustavo, Vanessa, and the entire Ayala family experienced a loss that no one should have to experience. Their precious son was taken from this world at the age of 17.

Unfortunately, due to the open border policies of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Ruben Gallego, it’s a story that’s becoming all too common.

Securing the border and stopping the flow of these poisonous opioids will save lives, and that’s exactly what Kari Lake is committed to doing in the United States Senate. ”


South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham Endorses Kari Lake

Phoenix, AZ – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is a stalwart protector of Israel and a loyal friend to President Trump. On Thursday, he endorsed Kari Lake for United States Senate. 

Senator Graham Released the Following Statement:

“It is absolutely necessary to change course in this country. The Biden-Harris-Schumer agenda of broken borders, a weak economy, high inflation, and pathetic foreign policy needs to be stopped now. 

Kari Lake will be a reliable, conservative vote to secure our border, support law and order, bring down inflation, and give the American people breathing room to regain control of their lives. Kari will be one of the strongest supporters for the state of Israel in the senate – unlike her opponent. 

Her opponent is one of the most radical members of the Democratic party who will double down on Kamala Harris’s failed agenda.  

I urge you to support Kari Lake to represent Arizona in the United States Senate as she will help President Trump turn this nation around, and give Republicans a senate majority we desperately need.”

Kari Lake Released the Following Statement:

“The first step in saving America is electing Republicans up and down the ballot; the first step is uniting the GOP. I am honored to have Senator Graham’s endorsement and I look forward to working with him in D.C. to advance President Trump’s agenda in the Senate.”


CNN Poll Finds Arizona Senate Race TIED

Phoenix, AZ – A new CNN poll found that the Arizona Senate race remains in a dead heat, tied within the margin of error. The poll is the latest in a series of recent polls demonstrating a tie between Lake and Gallego as voters become more engaged.

Notably, President Trump’s 5-point lead in Arizona is an optimistic sign for Lake, a Trump ally, as she faces Gallego, a congressman who has voted with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 100% of the time. 

ICYMI: Kari Lake Campaign Highlights True State of Arizona Senate Race


The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“This poll is another testament to the strength of Kari Lake. Ruben Gallego has poured in over 15 millions dollars, and his numbers haven’t moved. As we continue to define Ruben as the radical that he truly is, his numbers will continue to drop, giving Lake a clear path to victory and taking back the majority in the U.S. Senate.”


Kari Lake Earns Endorsements of 27 Arizona State Legislators

Phoenix, AZ – On Wednesday, the Lake Campaign announced a new endorsement letter signed by 27 Republican Legislators across the State of Arizona: 


Heading into the most important election of our lifetimes this November, it is incumbent that the Arizona Republican Party unite around our shared values to defeat the most far-left candidate in Arizona history, Ruben Gallego.

Accordingly, we are honored to endorse Kari Lake, a leading Republican voice, who will fight to Make Arizona Grand Again in the United States Senate.


Warren Petersen, State Senate President

Sonny Borrelli, State Senate Majority Leader

John Kavanagh, State Senator LD-3

Wendy Rogers, State Senator LD-7

David Farnsworth, State Senator LD-10

Jake Hoffman, State Senator LD-15

T.J. Shope, State Senator LD-16

Justine Wadsack, State Senator LD-17

David Gowan, State Senator LD-19

Sine Kerr, State Senator LD-25

Anthony Kern, State Senator LD-27

Janae Shamp, State Senator LD-29

Leo Biasiucci, State House Majority Leader

Selina Bliss, State Representative LD-1

Quang Nguyen, State Representative LD-1

Joseph Chaplik, State Representative LD-3

Alexander Kolodin, State Representative LD-3

David Marshall, State Representative LD-7

Justin Heap, State Representative LD-10

Travis Grantham, State Representative LD-14

Teresa Martinez, State Representative LD-16

Rachel Jones, State Representative LD-17

Cody McGarr, State Representative LD-17

Michael Carbone, State Representative LD-25

Tim Dunn, State Representative LD-25

Steve Montenegro, State Representative LD-29

John Gillette, State Representative LD-30


The Arizona Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Kari Lake

Phoenix, AZ – On Tuesday, the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Kari Lake for U.S. Senate in Arizona.

Notably, the Fraternal Order of Police represents over 9,400 members in Arizona and 374,000 members nationally, making it the world’s largest police organization.


Arizona Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) & AZ F.O.P President Paul Sheldon Released the Following Statement:

“On behalf of the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) and its over 9,400 members, I am pleased to announce that the Arizona F.O.P. has endorsed you for Arizona U.S. Senator.

Your endorsement by the F.O.P., one of Arizona’s largest police organizations, is based on your demonstrated support of significant public safety issues and reflects our belief that you best understand the difficult job faced by members of the law enforcement community. Your support of those efforts has not gone unnoticed.”


Kari Lake Released the Following Statement:

“I am honored to be endorsed by the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police. In the U.S. Senate, I will be their voice in Washington D.C. by working to improve the working conditions and ensuring the safety of our law enforcement officials.”


Kari Lake to Newsmax: ‘Bogus’ Polls Push ‘Bad Numbers’
