Lake Campaign Releases NEW AD: ‘Life and Death’

Phoenix, AZ – On Friday, the Lake campaign released a new ad titled “Life and Death.” The ad features Gustavo and Vanessa Ayala, two parents who tragically lost their 17-year-old son Noah to an overdose. Gustavo and Vanessa are registered Democrats who support Kari Lake because they know that she will make it her top priority to secure the border and stop tragedies like this from happening again.

The ad will air in Arizona starting on September 6 on cable, broadcast, and digital media, as the sixth phase of a $10 million joint ad buy with the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).WATCH: HERE

The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“Gustavo, Vanessa, and the entire Ayala family experienced a loss that no one should have to experience. Their precious son was taken from this world at the age of 17.

Unfortunately, due to the open border policies of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Ruben Gallego, it’s a story that’s becoming all too common.

Securing the border and stopping the flow of these poisonous opioids will save lives, and that’s exactly what Kari Lake is committed to doing in the United States Senate. ”


South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham Endorses Kari Lake

Phoenix, AZ – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is a stalwart protector of Israel and a loyal friend to President Trump. On Thursday, he endorsed Kari Lake for United States Senate. 

Senator Graham Released the Following Statement:

“It is absolutely necessary to change course in this country. The Biden-Harris-Schumer agenda of broken borders, a weak economy, high inflation, and pathetic foreign policy needs to be stopped now. 

Kari Lake will be a reliable, conservative vote to secure our border, support law and order, bring down inflation, and give the American people breathing room to regain control of their lives. Kari will be one of the strongest supporters for the state of Israel in the senate – unlike her opponent. 

Her opponent is one of the most radical members of the Democratic party who will double down on Kamala Harris’s failed agenda.  

I urge you to support Kari Lake to represent Arizona in the United States Senate as she will help President Trump turn this nation around, and give Republicans a senate majority we desperately need.”

Kari Lake Released the Following Statement:

“The first step in saving America is electing Republicans up and down the ballot; the first step is uniting the GOP. I am honored to have Senator Graham’s endorsement and I look forward to working with him in D.C. to advance President Trump’s agenda in the Senate.”


CNN Poll Finds Arizona Senate Race TIED

Phoenix, AZ – A new CNN poll found that the Arizona Senate race remains in a dead heat, tied within the margin of error. The poll is the latest in a series of recent polls demonstrating a tie between Lake and Gallego as voters become more engaged.

Notably, President Trump’s 5-point lead in Arizona is an optimistic sign for Lake, a Trump ally, as she faces Gallego, a congressman who has voted with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 100% of the time. 

ICYMI: Kari Lake Campaign Highlights True State of Arizona Senate Race


The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“This poll is another testament to the strength of Kari Lake. Ruben Gallego has poured in over 15 millions dollars, and his numbers haven’t moved. As we continue to define Ruben as the radical that he truly is, his numbers will continue to drop, giving Lake a clear path to victory and taking back the majority in the U.S. Senate.”


Kari Lake Earns Endorsements of 27 Arizona State Legislators

Phoenix, AZ – On Wednesday, the Lake Campaign announced a new endorsement letter signed by 27 Republican Legislators across the State of Arizona: 


Heading into the most important election of our lifetimes this November, it is incumbent that the Arizona Republican Party unite around our shared values to defeat the most far-left candidate in Arizona history, Ruben Gallego.

Accordingly, we are honored to endorse Kari Lake, a leading Republican voice, who will fight to Make Arizona Grand Again in the United States Senate.


Warren Petersen, State Senate President

Sonny Borrelli, State Senate Majority Leader

John Kavanagh, State Senator LD-3

Wendy Rogers, State Senator LD-7

David Farnsworth, State Senator LD-10

Jake Hoffman, State Senator LD-15

T.J. Shope, State Senator LD-16

Justine Wadsack, State Senator LD-17

David Gowan, State Senator LD-19

Sine Kerr, State Senator LD-25

Anthony Kern, State Senator LD-27

Janae Shamp, State Senator LD-29

Leo Biasiucci, State House Majority Leader

Selina Bliss, State Representative LD-1

Quang Nguyen, State Representative LD-1

Joseph Chaplik, State Representative LD-3

Alexander Kolodin, State Representative LD-3

David Marshall, State Representative LD-7

Justin Heap, State Representative LD-10

Travis Grantham, State Representative LD-14

Teresa Martinez, State Representative LD-16

Rachel Jones, State Representative LD-17

Cody McGarr, State Representative LD-17

Michael Carbone, State Representative LD-25

Tim Dunn, State Representative LD-25

Steve Montenegro, State Representative LD-29

John Gillette, State Representative LD-30


The Arizona Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Kari Lake

Phoenix, AZ – On Tuesday, the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Kari Lake for U.S. Senate in Arizona.

Notably, the Fraternal Order of Police represents over 9,400 members in Arizona and 374,000 members nationally, making it the world’s largest police organization.


Arizona Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) & AZ F.O.P President Paul Sheldon Released the Following Statement:

“On behalf of the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) and its over 9,400 members, I am pleased to announce that the Arizona F.O.P. has endorsed you for Arizona U.S. Senator.

Your endorsement by the F.O.P., one of Arizona’s largest police organizations, is based on your demonstrated support of significant public safety issues and reflects our belief that you best understand the difficult job faced by members of the law enforcement community. Your support of those efforts has not gone unnoticed.”


Kari Lake Released the Following Statement:

“I am honored to be endorsed by the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police. In the U.S. Senate, I will be their voice in Washington D.C. by working to improve the working conditions and ensuring the safety of our law enforcement officials.”


Kari Lake Campaign Highlights True State of Arizona Senate Race

Phoenix, AZ – The Kari Lake for US Senate campaign reaffirms its strong position in the race for Arizona’s open Senate seat, citing multiple polls that show a neck-and-neck contest contrary to a recent low quality outlier poll.

The Real State of the Race

Recent polls from credible sources demonstrate that the Arizona Senate race remains highly competitive:

NRSC Internal Poll (August 2024):

  • Pollster: Peak Insights
  • Sample: 800 likely voters
  • Results: Kari Lake 46%, Ruben Gallego 46%

Club for Growth Action Poll (August 2024):

  • Pollster: WPA Intelligence
  • Sample: 600 likely voters
  • Results: Ruben Gallego 48%, Kari Lake 46%

Kari Lake Campaign Internal Poll (July 2024):

  • Pollster: J.L. Partners
  • Sample: 513 likely voters
  • Results: Kari Lake 44%, Ruben Gallego 43%

AARP (July 2024):

  • Pollster: Fabrizio, Lee & Associates / Impact Research
  • Sample: 600 likely voters
  • Results: Kari Lake 45%, Ruben Gallego 48%


These polls, conducted with likely voters and representative sampling, align closely with Arizona’s political reality and historical voting patterns.

Historical Context: Arizona’s Open Senate Contests Within 3% For Over a Decade

Arizona’s recent open Senate seat contests have consistently been close races:

  1. 2022: Mark Kelly* (D) defeated Blake Masters (R) by 5%
  2. 2020: Mark Kelly (D) defeated Martha McSally (R) by 2%
  3. 2018: Kyrsten Sinema (D) defeated Martha McSally (R) by 2%
  4. 2016: John McCain* (R) defeated Ann Kirkpatrick (D) by 13%
  5. 2012: Jeff Flake (R) defeated Richard Carmona (D) by 3%

* Incumbent

The competitive nature of these races underscores the inaccuracy of any poll showing a double-digit lead for either candidate in the current race.

The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“Recent polling data clearly shows that this race is neck-and-neck, with multiple surveys putting Kari Lake within the margin of error. Any poll showing a large lead for either candidate is plainly out of step with Arizona’s electoral history and the current political landscape.

Arizonans are rejecting Ruben Gallego’s radical agenda and embracing Kari Lake’s vision for a secure border, a strong economy, and a return to law and order. High quality polling confirms what we’re seeing on the ground – enthusiasm for Kari Lake’s campaign continues to grow as we approach Election Day.

We’re confident that as voters learn more about the stark contrast between Kari Lake’s proven leadership and Ruben Gallego’s record of far-left policies, they will choose the candidate who truly puts Arizona First. Our campaign’s momentum is building every day, and we look forward to victory in November.”

The Kari Lake for US Senate campaign remains focused on our winning strategy of aggressive voter outreach and strong messaging that resonates with Arizonans. We will continue to highlight Kari Lake’s commitment to addressing the issues that matter most to Arizona families.


Kari Lake Calls on Gallego To Allow Inclusion of Third Party Candidate in Debate

Phoenix, AZ – On Wednesday, the Lake Campaign contacted the Citizens Clean Elections Commission and agreed to them extending an invitation to every candidate on the ballot, which would include Arizona’s Green Party candidate, Eduardo Quintana. However, Clean Elections said that Gallego would first have to agree to including Quintana in the debate as well. 

Notably, Quintana has made several pleas for both campaigns to “stand up for the right of voters to hear from all candidates running” and advocate for his inclusion in the debate.

Kari Lake Released the Following Statement:

“The Green Party’s nominee for U.S. Senate Eduardo Quintana will be on the ballot in November, and I believe we need to ensure that every candidate and every voter is heard and respected. 

I urge Ruben to accept the proposal for Eduardo to be included in our debate. You cannot claim to be a “defender of democracy” when you refuse access to third-party candidates.”


REPORT: Radical Ruben Gallego’s Record on Public Safety Under Fire Ahead of November Election

Phoenix, AZ – On Thursday, the Arizona Sun Times published an article highlighting Ruben Gallego’s dangerous and weak record on public safety. 


Key Excerpts: 

– Gallego’s efforts to reform police practices and limit military-grade equipment for law enforcement, as well as his public appearances and fiery social media posts has become a major focus in the contentious Senate campaign. 

– Arizona voters say public safety remains a top priority for voters in 2024.  

– In June 2020, Gallego said police “don’t know how to use” certain weapons responsibly and in a “safe manner” because they’ve “never served in the military.” He elaborated that the police didn’t know how to use the “weapons in a safe manner” and that the weapons were unnecessary.

– Gallego then sought to cut a program that gave underfunded police departments access to crucial weapons that protect their officers and communities…He tweeted about his efforts to restrict police departments’ access to military gear. In a separate tweet, he highlighted these efforts to restrict the program that “provides military equipment to federal, state, and local police forces.”

– In a 2020 press release, Ruben Gallego emphasized his commitment to demilitarizing local law enforcement

– Doug Wyllie, an expert on police matters, argued that “armored vehicles and other so-called ‘militarized’ equipment are essential” for law enforcement, particularly in high-risk situations such as responding to violent crimes in progress, armed robberies, active-shooter incidents, barricaded suspects, and hostage situations. 

– The Washington Free Beacon penned an article, “Ruben Gallego ‘Honored’ to Have Anti-Cop Group’s Endorsement.” The Beacon reported that Gallego expressed that he is “honored” to have received the endorsement of The Indivisible Project, a progressive group that has “advocated for defunding police departments and dismantling U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”… Lake issued a strong statement on Gallego accepting the endorsement of Indivisible.

– Gallego has a series of police tweets that side with Black Lives Matter, double down on systematic racism, and are supportive of protestors.

  • Gallego tweeted “Peaceful protests aren’t bad guys, they are citizens. The bad guys were the ones behind the police line, not in front of them.”

  • Gallego posted that “transforming the culture of law enforcement remains a matter of life & death.”

  • Gallego called for “changes in operations of law enforcement” while claiming that “systemic racism & structural inequalities” in law enforcement have caused “deep wounds” in our country

  • Gallego tweeted that “systemic racism shapes the relationship between law enforcement & Black/Brown Americans & it’s cost many lives.”

– Gallego threatened ICE agents saying, “When the worm turns, you will not be safe.” According to The Washington Times, this earned the rebuke from border patrol officers who claimed the comments “could incite violence.”

– In June 2020, Gallego attended a rally outside the Phoenix Police Department Headquarters…His participation came just a day after over 200 ANTIFA “protestors were arrested for rioting and two days after more than 100 individuals were arrested on charges including rioting and aggravated assault of a police officer…At the rally, Gallego expressed his frustration with the government’s response to Floyd’s death, vowing to “resist.” … Protestors at the rally carried signs and wore shirts displaying anti-police slogans such as “Defund the police,” “ACAB,” “We don’t trust cops,” and “Abolish.” 

– H.R. 1280 would restrict the use of policing practices such as no-knock warrants. Gallego tweeted his opposition to no-knock warrants, calling them “dangerous”

– H.R. 1280 would also eliminate qualified immunity for police officers. The International Association of Chiefs of Police claimed this would limit their ability and willingness to respond to incidents without hesitation, putting their lives and others at risk.

 Gallego favored gutting the filibuster – which had been protected by Arizona’s incumbent U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema.

– Gallego also supports independent prosecutors in all police-related shootings and deaths. The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) is concerned that these independent prosecutors would lead to the indictment of officers even if they did nothing wrong.

– Gallego has repeatedly co-sponsored bills to end the money bail system with a federal ban and by cutting funding for states with pretrial cash bail systems. He co-sponsored H.R. 4611, the No Money Bail Act of 2016. Gallego also co-sponsored the No Money Bail Act of 20172019, and 2021.

– In 2021, Gallego voted for the American Rescue Plan Act, which sent almost $1 billion of COVID Stimulus checks to prisoners.

– In 2019, Gallego co-sponsored H.R. 2168, which would have made criminals and sex offenders eligible for Pell Grants


The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“The effects of the southern border crisis and public safety remain as top issues for likely voters in Arizona. In the race for U.S. Senate, the contrast between the candidates on these issues could not be more stark.

Through his decade-long career in Congress, Ruben Gallego has proven that he isn’t just soft on crime, but he’s downright anti-police. If he were elected, he would instantly become one of the most progressive, anti-police Senators in Washington, DC. His distaste for law enforcement, sympathy for criminals, and support of anti-police legislation would jeopardize the operational capabilities of our law enforcement agencies and put our communities at serious risk.”


Lake Campaign Releases NEW AD Hitting Ruben Gallego: On His Watch

Phoenix, AZ – On Thursday, the Lake Campaign released a new ad titled “On His Watch.” The ad features Retired Phoenix Police Detective and Executive Director of the Arizona Law Enforcement Association (AZLEA) Levi Bolton calling out Ruben Gallego’s role in the Biden-Harris border crisis. 

The ad will air in Arizona starting on August 22 on cable, broadcast, and digital media, as the fifth phase of a $10 million joint ad buy with the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).


The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“Ruben Gallego has spent his decade-long Congressional career opposing efforts to secure our border while backing Biden-Harris border policies that have created more illegal immigration encounters, sent tax dollars to illegal immigrants and resulted in more overdose deaths.

As Arizona’s next U.S. Senator Kari Lake’s top priority is to help and empower law enforcement – at the local, state and federal levels – secure our border and make our communities safe again.” 


ICYMI: Chuck Schumer Tells Reporters Gallego Will Help ‘Change the Rules,’ Killing Filibuster

Phoenix, AZ – At the DNC, Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters (SEE HERE & HERE) that Ruben Gallego is critical to the Democrats’ plan to “change the rules” and kill the filibuster. 

Notably, the filibuster was protected and championed by Arizona’s incumbent U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema. In a recent interview with Punchbowl News, Lake said that Sinema had “saved the republic” in her defense of the filibuster and vowed to “protect Kyrsten Sinema’s legacy on the filibuster.”

Kari Lake Released the Following Statement:

“Senator Sinema and I have our share of disagreements, but I’ve always admired the courage she showed in putting Country over Party to preserve the filibuster. I will safeguard Sinema’s Legacy & PROTECT the filibuster!”

