Lake Campaign SLAMS Biden-Gallego Border Move as ‘Politically Motivated,’ Reveals Radical Ruben’s Open-Borders Record


Phoenix, AZ - Later Today and years too late, Joe Biden is expected to announce executive measures to secure our border in what can be seen as nothing other than a politically-motivated move in an election year. Ruben Gallego will no doubt see this as a politically convenient opportunity to support Biden’s actions and claim that he has done something to secure the border as well. Joe Biden halted construction on the border wall, ended Remain in Mexico, brought back catch and release, and let Title 42 expire. Gallego supported Biden’s disastrous actions.

In reality, Radical Ruben has been in lockstep with Biden – voting with him 100% of the time – against securing the border.

Ruben’s Open-Borders Record Speaks for Itself: 

– Gallego said: “There is no “national emergency” coming from the border.”

– In 2019, Gallego voted to block President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the border

– Gallego called the border wall “stupid” and “useless”

– Gallego published an op-ed titled “we should not build the border wall(ever)”

– Gallego co-sponsored H.R. 748, the Safeguarding Sanctuary Cities Act of 2017

– Gallego voted for the Build Back Better Act. If signed into law, it would have granted amnesty to an estimated 6.5 million illegal immigrants, even being called the “largest mass-legalization program for undocumented immigrants in history”

– In February 2023, Gallego called Title 42 ineffective on a virtual town hall with Indivisible. Furthermore, in a 2021 letter signed by Gallego, members of Congress urged the Biden Administration to end Title 42 

– Gallego said securing our border is a “misguided scheme”

– Gallego said sending more troops to the border was a “misuse of funds and manpower”

– In 2020, Gallego voted for the HEROES Act, which would have given $1,200 to illegal immigrants

– In 2017, Gallego voted against imposing tougher sentences on criminals who entered the U.S. illegally multiple times

– In 2021, Gallego voted for HR 1333, a bill meant to restrict the President’s ability to enforce immigration laws and secure our border

– In 2023, Gallego voted against the Secure the Border Act, which would restart construction of the border wall, increase the number of border patrol agents, and crack down on employment of illegal immigrants holding American jobs.

– In January 2024, Gallego voted against a resolution denouncing Biden’s open border

– Gallego voted against notifying ICE when an illegal immigrant attempts to buy a firearm

– Gallego voted against a motion that would prevent illegal immigrants who have a violent record or pose a criminal, public safety, or national security risk to remain in the United States

The Lake Campaign Released the Following Statement:

“This latest move is just another in a series of purely political moves made by radicals like Biden and Gallego in their attempt to salvage their chances this November. But Arizonans won’t so easily forget the three years that Biden and Gallego spent refusing to secure our border as millions of illegal aliens came into our country unvetted, drugs poured into our communities, and crime skyrocketed. Arizonans will remember that Biden and Gallego are the ones who created this humanitarian and national security crisis in the first place.

We had the safest border in decades under President Trump and the only way we can return to that is by returning President Trump to the White House and gaining a majority in the U.S. Senate by electing Kari Lake.”

