Senator Roger Marshall Endorses Kari Lake


Washington D.C. - On Thursday, Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) announced his endoso de Kari Lake para el Senado de los EE.UU. en Arizona.

Sen. Marshall Released the Following Statement:

“Kari Lake is a straight shooter who will work tirelessly to secure our border, protect our constitutional rights, rein in inflation, and support law and order. For these reasons and a litany of others, I am honored to endorse her candidacy for the U.S. Senate. Kari Lake will be the leader Arizona families need to keep their communities safe, secure, and prosperous. I look forward to Kari becoming Arizona’s next Senator.”

Kari Lake ha hecho público el siguiente comunicado:

“Before being elected to the U.S. Senate, Doctor Roger Marshall was an Obstetrician, where he delivered more than 5,000 babies.Senator Marshall understands, like I do, the need to help women, save babies, and empower families. In the Senate, I will work with him on improving our healthcare system, championing strong agriculture policies, securing America’s border and defending our 2nd amendment. I am proud to have his endorsement to be the next U.S. Senator from Arizona!”

