Statement on Unsealed Gallego Divorce Records

Phoenix, AZ – For nearly a year, The Washington Free Beacon has sued to unseal Ruben Gallego’s divorce records. Ruben fought tooth and nail to conceal them, but ultimately the AZ Supreme Court, AZ Court of Appeals & Yavapai County Superior Court all unanimously ruled the records should be unsealed. Today, the appalling divorce records were finally unsealed. 

READ MORE – WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: ‘Likely To Give Birth Any Day’: Ruben Gallego Served Pregnant Wife With Divorce Papers. She Was Blindsided.

Caroline Wren, Senior Advisor to Kari Lake Released the Following Statement:

“It’s bizarre that Ruben Gallego would demand an apology from Kari Lake for his appalling behavior. Everyone knows Kari Lake had nothing to do with this lawsuit, which was filed by an independent media outlet.

However, we do find the revelations from the divorce records to be shocking, especially considering Ruben Gallego is spending millions on advertising claiming to want to protect women, yet he served his unsuspecting wife with divorce papers when she was days away from giving birth, and even demanded she pay his attorney’s fees!

If Ruben Gallego will turn his back on his pregnant wife days before she gives birth, he will turn his back on Arizona.”
